1. You never get hung over – You’re never still alive the next morning.
2. “Experimenting” with friends is OK – You have to both still be living for things to get awkward.
3. Spend as much $$$ as you want partying it up – You’ll be long dead before the credit card bill arrives.
4. You can make your trip as long as you want – It’ll likely last forever – because you won’t survive.
5. You don’t have to worry about using protection during sex – You won’t be alive long enough to contract anything.
6. You can eat whatever you want – You’ll lose a bunch of weight after your head is cut off.
7. It’s forgivable to cheat – Dead boyfriends and girlfriends don’t hold grudges.
8. You can take drugs without fear of long-term consequences – Acid flashbacks aren’t a problem for corpses.
9. You can cut loose and dance like there’s no tomorrow – There is no tomorrow.
10. Your Spring Break bash will be to die for – Literally. You and all your friends are going to die.
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