
February 7, 2016

Dark Numbers



Tim de Wilde has an affinity for numbers, a skill which brings him to the attention of the secretive school full of special, gifted students. But Tim’s gift is more special still, for he has the ability to use Dark Numbers, the secret property of all equations, to open portals in time and space. Mastering this ability will take him from the ancient past to the incredible future — and launch him on a journey beyond anything he could have imagined.


“Good news for fans of The Dark Numbers YA book series! Cthulhu Crush Productions has decided to option Luc Descamps’s book series for television development in the US. Here’s more from the press release:

Described as Harry Potter meets Doctor Who and a hit with teens in Belgium and the Netherlandsthe seven volume series follows Tim DeWilde and his discovery of The Dark Numbers, the secret properties on the back sides of numbers that allow users to create magical wonders.  The books first became available to English speaking readers in 2013.”